About Us

We are children of God brought together as a church of Jesus Christ. We seek to be a loving, caring, committed people, and we extend to you a sincere welcome and invitation to be a part of our church fellowship. In order to minister to each individual, from the youngest infant to the oldest adult, our church as established an organizational structure. You will find information on this website regarding our committees which hopefully will guide you to identify an area of service that you would be interested in. We encourage service in our church and in our community, and growth in our Christian lives.

The Bible refers to the Church as the Body of Christ and represents each Christian in the Church. All believers will find a place in which they can use their gifts or callings in relationship to the other parts of the body. The Council encourages you to become active and committed in the life and ministry of our church as we attempt to carry out God's will in our lives and in the life of His Body in the Willard area.



To transform lives by

expressing the good news

of God’s love and grace!



  • Bible Based – The Bible is the Word of God and the final authority for faith and practice. 
  • Grounded in Grace –  God sent his son, Jesus, to die for us as a free gift. He did this  because he loves us and not because of anything we do. All we have to do is love him back.
  • Glorifying God As people called by God, we gather to praise God, listen to Him, and respond
  • Fully devoted to Christ – Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of those who have faith in Him. 
  • Passionate in Prayer  – As people called by God, we gather to listen to Him. We are devoted to watchful and thankful prayer. 
  • Focused on Ministry and Service  – Hearing the cries of the oppressed, forsaken and disadvantaged, we seek to act justly and love mercy as we walk humbly with our God.
  • Committed to our Community – We are people who belong to God and also to a community, the church. We are created with a longing to connect to God and with his people. 
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WCRC’s faith and practices are guided by the following primary beliefs.

  • The Bible is the Word of God and the final authority for faith and practice.
  • Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of those who have faith in Him.

Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort, Belgic confession, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed

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Christian Reformed Denominational Website:
