Questions you may have as a visitor to Willard CRC:

What time does Worship start?

Our morning service starts at 9:30 a.m.  We recommend you arrive a little early to get a cup of coffee and find a seat.  Each service lasts approximately one hour.  Our morning worship service can also be viewed via live streaming.  Click here  for more information.

What can I expect during the service?

Our services involve a time of singing, prayer, a children’s message and a message from God’s Word. You can expect to hear songs that are a mixture of contemporary songs and traditional hymns.

How should I dress?

You may see dress suits to shorts and anything in between. Most people will dress in business casual.

Where is the Nursery?

The Nursery is located on south side of the church basement. You can enter through any entrance and make your way to the basement.  Nursery is provided for children ages 0-2.

What is available for children?

On Sundays we have Children’s Church for children ages 3-7 during the service.  There is also Sunday School for grades 3-12 immediately following the service.

What about high school age?

High School Youth Group is held on Wednesday evenings.

What about other ages?

There are several opportunities for you to get involved in the life of the church. Go to the Ministries page for more information.